1776 is a brilliant piece of musical theatre. The audience arrives already knowing how the show will end, but after five minutes they're not so sure anymore. Edward Rutledge is one of my all-time favorite roles; he's the delegate from South Carolina who sings "Molasses to Rum." This Maine State Music Theatre production was directed by Bruce Lumpkin. Pictured standing in the foreground from left to right are Bernard Wurger as Benjamin Franklin, John-Charles Kelly as John Adams, Gary Jackson as Thomas Jefferson, and me.
"Galen Fott is spellbinding as Edward Rutledge..."--Casco Bay Weekly
"Galen Fott is a remarkable Rutledge...Fott manages to mesmerize the audience with 'Molasses to Rum'..."--Brunswick Times Record
"The most powerful song of the musical, 'Molasses to Rum,' was the task facing Galen Fott in his role as Edward Rutledge...His rendition was outstanding..."--Lewiston Sun-Journal
"By far the most powerful moments, musically and dramatically, are two: Galen Fott's stunning rendition of 'Molasses to Rum'...and young Jonathan Morse's haunting 'Momma Look Sharp'..."--Portland Press Herald
"Galen Fott, as Edward Rutledge, nearly stopped the show with the thunderous and frightening 'Molasses to Rum.' The audience hung in astonishment upon Mr. Fott's every note."--Rockland Courier-Gazette
I also played Dr. Lyman Hall in the Nashville Repertory Theatre production of "1776," which was directed by René D. Copeland with musical direction by Paul Carrol Binkley.