
Hey there, and welcome to the personal website of that guy above, me, Galen Fott. (For info on my animation studio, please visit www.bigfott.com.) This site should probably be “www.galenfott.com", and in fact you can visit here by typing in that URL. But when I launched this site back in 2001, I thought a self-named site seemed a little grandiose. (Now, of course, everyone’s doing it.) So, I named the URL after a character from my favorite comic strip. For more info on that strip, click here.
I'm an animator, author, actor, anthropoid, and also some things that don't begin with the letter "A" (like "puppeteer" and "dad"). This site contains some stuff I've done. I'm currently hard at work on more stuff. You can click a link at the top of the page to explore an area of the site. And don’t neglect the “other stuff” link; there’s some interesting and weird stuff there that you might expect to find elsewhere on the site.
I'm currently a resident of Nashville, TN where I live with my wife Laura, son Burton, and numerous animals (heavy on the cats).
Enjoy the site!